Sunday, November 27, 2016

7 Months + Christmas Trees

Emma turned 7 months on November 18th and I finally got around to taking her pictures a few days later.  Oh my goodness, I love this baby joy.  She is much too cute to just pick one photo of, so here's a whole bunch. :)

She loves her teeny tiny treat toes.

She loves to look out the window. :)

Those eyes melt my heart.

I love when littles cross their ankles.  It's so precious!

What a JOY and a GIFT she is!

I found this beauty snuggled up after we were done with Emma's pictures.  My heart is full.

The kiddos (and let's be honest, and me!!) have been so excited to put our Christmas trees up and decorate for Christmas!  So this past Tuesday evening the kiddos decorated their mini trees.

So magical.

Then we got our big tree up, but realized some of our pre-lit branches were not lighting up.  Boo.  This is our fifth year with this tree.  We've since gotten some of the lights working, but need to replace one section of burnt out lights yet.  Emma still loved checking out the lights that were working right away.  I'll never get over it.  I'm so blessed.  Look at that little face. <3

Christmas lights just make me happy.  Excited to finish decorating our home for Christmas.  It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Girl Scouts + Tootsies

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love chai tea.  I so loved meeting my friend Jessie for "coffee" a couple weeks ago.  And these Christmas cups just make me happy.

There are many things that haven't come easy to us with our kiddos, sleeping through the night being a prime example.  (That took several YEARS to accomplish.)  But veggies... veggies are an easy win for us.  They always have been.  Clara and Davey often happily share a whole tomato or cucumber for a snack.  Just tonight, Davey lit up when he saw baby tomatoes on his supper plate.  Ahh, thank you for this one, God. ;)

Popcorn tastes extra good when you eat it out of the puppy bowl you got to keep from your friend's Paw Patrol themed birthday party!

Out to eat with Daddy on Veteran's Day.  Michael loves getting his free meal(s) on this day every year.  This day we checked out Red Robin for the first time and the kids LOVED it.  They've never eaten so well at a restaurant before!

My little princess leaned how to wave a few weeks ago.  It's the sweetest thing. :)

Here's a little clip of her waving. :)

Clara and I went to her very first Girl Scout event on the 11th.  It was a sleepover for the Kindergarten through 3rd graders.  Her Kindergarten troop decided not to actually spend the night this first year, but we wore our pajamas anyway just for fun.

They had a zoomobile and leaned about snakes, chinchillas, and owls.

They helped make their snack and had pizza later on that night.

And they got to make two crafts!  We had so much fun!

Nobody makes Emma smile like her big brother and all of his silly antics.

I had been meaning to take a picture of Emma holding onto her toes for like a month, but I finally did it. ;)  Such a sweet baby.

And now she's started doing lots of this. :)

I found this on my phone! Hahaha too cute.

Clara loves Rainbow Dash and play dough!

Just a couple sisters hanging out in their fort. :)

When Mama and baby don't want to go outside in the cold, we just send the "big" kids out onto our deck. :)  Life is good.

This one is learning all sorts of tricks. <3

Clara had her first official Girl Scouts troop meeting on the 20th.  We were getting ready to go to the meeting and Clara said, "I don't want to miss a minute!" :)  She loves Girl Scouts!  Kindergarteners are called Daisies so they made a daisy craft and ate daisy cookies.  Excited for all she will get to do this year!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Avery's 1st Birthday Party

November 5th William and Emma had their first play date while the mamas got to catch up.  So much yummy baby goodness!

That afternoon we celebrated my niece Avery's 1st birthday!  Love these cousins!

the birthday girl :)

So adorable I can't even handle it!

my brother Benj and our baby girls :)

Happy birthday sweet Avery!


Oh my goodness, I love this picture of Davey and Clara with uncle Zachary! <3

saying goodbye to Grandma Ann

We got the bouncer out and cleaned up for Emma!  She's not doing much bouncing yet but she turns herself around in it and checks everything out. 

This.  This never gets old.