Thursday, April 27, 2017

Easter 2017

We had a full and fun Easter weekend this year!

On Saturday we went to the Eggstravaganza in Tea and the Easter bunny was there!

Clara and Davey got fun balloons!

Clara got her face painted...

and Davey got a tattoo!

Baby's first Easter weekend!  

Bounce houses are always a good time.

There were hundreds of kids there and Clara won one of the Easter baskets!

Emma was excited!

sisters 💕

We dyed eggs that afternoon.  Our big kids could basically do it all themselves this year.

I got their Easter baskets ready to go before bed Saturday night.

family picture Easter morning before church

All the heart eyes for these three!!  Had to text a picture to the grandmas and grandpas!

We did Easter baskets after church.

We told Emma to close her eyes, but for some reason she didn't listen. 😉


Emma loves playing "where'd the baby go?"  She'll use whatever she has to cover her face and then when she puts it back down we'll say, "there she is!" and she'll giggle and giggle.  It's the best.

Easter egg hunt time!

my little bunnies

We went to my mom's for supper.  Love my little brother Jake!

Zachary text me these pictures.  Love!

bubble fun!