This past Friday was Michael and my 10th wedding anniversary! Michael took the day off work and my sister came over to take care of our "big" kids so Michael and I (and Emma ;) could go on a date. Ten years is kind of a milestone for our marriage and as I think back over this past decade we have so much to be grateful for. It hasn't been all roses all the time, but there has been so much good and I love our life together. Michael does so much for our family every day. He's hard working, loving, playful, easy going, steady, and it doesn't hurt that he's super good looking. ;) He's an amazing daddy to our three beautiful children and he loves us all so well. I'm so thankful to be his wife.
I woke up to these. :)
Well this made me cry... Michael and I got an anniversary card in the mail from my grandma on our anniversary. She must have signed it already before she passed away and my sweet, thoughtful aunt Teresa mailed it. It meant so much to get one more card from her.
Probably not every year, but Michael and I both tend to look at the traditional and modern anniversary gifts for each year to get gift ideas. The modern gift for 10 years is diamonds, so he got me this diamond necklace. <3
The traditional gift is tin/aluminum. Those Minnesota Twins grilling utensils are close enough to the right material and I knew he would love them. ;) He's also wanted bean bag toss boards for years, so he was a happy guy.
our pretty little third wheel on our date
We ate supper at Crave. So. good.
Then we went splitsies on cupcakes at Half Baked. They were both good but the cake dough one... yum!

After cupcakes we still had some time so I asked Michael if he had any ideas for what to do and he said he had a plan. He ended up driving me around to key places while we were dating. He drove me past the dorm I lived in when we met, a friend's house we hung out at a lot while we were just friends, he had a few more stops planned, but Emma was ready to call it a night, so he skipped ahead to the church we got married at. We got married at this random church for a few reasons. One, we planned our wedding in like three weeks since we found out Michael was getting deployed to Iraq and we wanted to be married for a few months before he left. Two, we didn't have a lot of money to spend so we needed a church that had room for a reception. Grace Lutheran was available and met our needs so we ended up getting married there. We hadn't been back since our wedding day 10 years ago. It was really sweet. We went home and watched the movie The Intern which we both really liked. I never knew I was such a Robert De Niro fan. :)

The next day we went to my aunt and uncle's to hang out with some cousins. We we joking that it looks a little different than it did before we all had kids. There were 15 little ones running around between the four of us! Emma and Kennady are the two littlest ones. :)
Davey, Jase and Isaac
Kaitlyn, Clara and Kierstyn
Sunday morning when Emma and I woke up we found these three outside playing bean bags. :)
I love how Davey celebrates.
Monday my whole family came over to hang out and go to Davey's T-ball game. Look how content those baby girls are with uncle Zachary. :)
uncle tickles times two
Jacob is such a fun uncle!
I love this picture so much! Jakey is so tall he had plenty of room for the four big cousins on his back.
Davey's rather impressive cheering section at his T-ball game :)
playing 1st base
back to our place for some more hanging out and bean bags
Jacob texted me this picture. <3
last night with cousin Atika for awhile
I found this Batman costume on super clearance at Target which is perfect for the superhero themed birthday party I'm starting to plan for Davey. He's pretty excited although he is set on dressing up as Cyborg. Have you guys heard of this superhero?? I had never heard of him before Davey started talking about him.