Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: Embarrassing Moments

So I may have cringed a little when I saw Andrea's Show and Tell Tuesday topic for today... "Embarrassing Moments.  Show and tell us about those moments you wish you could forget - but love to laugh about."  Well, I suppose it's good to be able to laugh at yourself, so I'll play along.  But as many embarrassing moments as I've had throughout my life, none of them compare to my most embarrassing mortifying moment...  I'm not sure it even qualifies, because ten years later I still don't "love to laugh about" it.  It mostly falls under the "wish [I] could forget" category.

Ok, so before I get to said most embarrassing moment, I'll ease into this with an embarrassing moment from just last week.  On Monday I saw in my planner that my husband's grandpa's birthday was on Wednesday, so I had Clara and Davey make him birthday cards, I wrote a note from all of us and then promptly got them sent off.  I was so proud that I got them in the mail in time to arrive by his actual birthday and everything.  (I used to be awesome at remembering everyone's birthdays, but since I've had kids it's been harder to keep up.)  Well, Wednesday came and I realized my planner actually said it was GrandMa's birthday, not Grandpa's!  Not really sure how I saw that wrong!?!  Can I blame it on the lack of sleep for the past 10 months since I had Emma?!  Because the struggle is real.  And let's be honest, none of my kiddos have ever been good sleepers so it's more like the lack of sleep for the past 6 YEARS!  Anyway, I called Michael's Grandpa right away to explain.  He just laughed and said he gave the cards to my brother-in-law to bring to Grandma's nursing home.  Well three cheers for my awesome brother-in-law Robert because it turns out he changed the "p" to "m" on all of the cards and I guess Grandma didn't know the difference.  Hahaha!  WHOOPS!

Alright... enough stalling.  So I can't really believe I'm going to share this (and that's saying something because I notoriously wear my heart on my sleeve and sometimes worry I over-share), but here goes...  Ten years ago my husband Michael and I were newlyweds, but my husband spent 15 of the first 18 months of our marriage deployed to Iraq with the Army.  I was living in Texas halfway across the country from our family and friends attending nursing school near his duty station and waiting for him to come back home.  Well, Michael told me that the military base was going to coordinate individual video chat sessions that the deployed soldiers and their loved ones could sign up for.  During Michael's first deployment we hadn't discovered Skype yet, so this was super exciting to get to see each other and not just be able to talk on the phone.  So we signed up for a time slot and when the time came I drove to the base, waited in a waiting room for quite awhile and finally it was our turn.  I was led into a private room where they had a big projector screen up of my husband in his own private room in Iraq.  It was so good to see his handsome face!!  Now, know that I didn't do anything too crazy, but I definitely said some things and acted in a way toward my husband that let him know how much I missed him.  Well...  Eventually I got a knock on the door from the soldier who was coordinating the whole thing letting me know our time was up.  As he was walking me out he said something to the effect of, "just so you know, these video chats are monitored."  I mean, I have never wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole as much as I did in that moment.  Wouldn't that have been a good thing for him to tell me ON THE WAY IN!?!  Michael and I were both under the impression that this was a private video chat!  I wanted to DIE!  It still makes me a little sick to my stomach to think about 10 years later.

So yeah, I doubt anything will ever top that moment.  I mean really, when anything embarrassing ever happens, take solace in the fact that at least you're not in that moment and it won't seem so bad.

OK Andrea, next topic please!!! 😉



  1. Oh, I admit this made me laugh, but I feel for you!! I'm sure it wasn't so bad...maybe a few other couples had done something similar. You never know! :)

    1. I have honestly never thought about that before. You are probably right! :)

  2. Oh my gosh, I would have DIED after the video chat!!! THey should have warned you! I'm also cracking up at the card story. I don't know what's funnier - that you got the wrong card or that he changed the p to an m and she didn't realize the difference! That's priceless.

    1. Yes, it felt super violating and creepy that we weren't informed beforehand... The whole card fiasco is pretty funny though!
