Friday, January 20, 2017

Wrapping Up December

We spent the week in between Christmas and New Years with family and friends home visiting for the holidays.  

I know I say this all the time, but I'll never get over the fact that I get to be their mama. #allthelove

Uncle Daniel and cousin Atika drove up from Florida for Christmas!  Daniel, Atika, Jenna, Jacob, Zachary, Benjamin, Gabby, Isaac and Avery all came over on the 27th!

Daniel wearing our Grandpa's watch 💕

sweet cousins reunited

Uncle Jake is such a good sport and often serves as a human jungle gym. 😊

Uncle Zach kept making Emma smile. 😊

Clara was so excited to try out her new nail polish!  I got her ella+mila's Pretty Princess and Mila's Fave.  They have good reviews for quality but my favorite thing is they are safe and don't contain the toxins found in most nail polish.  Love those little hands and feet.

The Andersons and Charters came over for supper on the 29th.  Love time with good friends!  Jonah was doing an impressive job on the tambourine drum.

Davey photobombed the sweet babes.

Love my Jolly Jo!

Clara stood Emma up here, although she keeps trying to pull herself up lately!

Such a sweet helper! #loveNorwex

Atika, Jacob, Zachary, Daniel and Jenna came to spend the night on the 30th.

Atika asked Clara and Davey to be her guests on her youtube channel. 😉  My brother is an awesome videographer and Atika is a HAM, so they've made a few videos and Atika has done several on her own.  Can't wait to see this one of the kids unpackaging this toy.  They are pretty silly!

Jacob text me these selfies of him with the girls.  He's such a sweet uncle!

The superheroes showed up at one point.

Daniel got some pictures of an epic pillow fight!

A sleepover is not complete without staying up late watching a movie and eating popcorn!

